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Derhy Noa

Nur Bil



Fabrice Arfi, Médiapart

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Accueil > Translation without contractual value Frame contract of hire of model -

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Translation without contractual value Frame contract of hire of model

La boutique

> Abonné ? Identifiez-vous

N° BETWEEN: … Co, whose headquarters are at …, registered with holder of the permit N°… in accordance with the law of July 12, 1990 holder of a financial guaranty delivered by pursuant to art. L 763-9 of the Labour Code.represented by Mr … acting in the capacity of … hereafter designated as the «AGENCY» AND: M … born on … at … of … nationality domicilied at … hereafter designated as the «MODEL».I — SUBJECT - EFFECT OF THE RELATIONS The frame contract's subject-matter is to ...
1er juillet 1995 - Légicom N°9
3073 mots